Creative Master

Creative Master

Country rebrands – how cultures shape brand identities

Culture shapes powerful brands—and nations. Learn how these nations leveraged heritage in their rebrands.  Description for this block. Use this space for describing your block. Any text will do. Description for this block. You can use this space for describing…

Decoding the Secret Sauce behind McDonald’s Branding Success

Two simple words:, ‘Golden Arches’. They effortlessly summon the unmistakable image of McDonald’s. Beyond shapes and colours, they encapsulate the profound influence of McDonald’s. However, this fast-food giant hasn’t always enjoyed the success it boasts today. In 2003, the company…

Pro-tips for Branding that Sticks

Branding is an intricate dance between clever design and strategic messaging, one that ensures your business not only enters the marketplace but also leaves a lasting impression. But what elevates a good brand to great? How do businesses rise above…

The Truth About Going Green with AI 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) sent the world in a frenzy in 2023. While holding promise for environmental protection, the technology is accompanied by numerous challenges. Critical concerns have arisen around the environmental costs of computation, specifically the carbon footprint generated by…

The Race Against Climate Change for Brands

Here’s the kicker – your brand will not exist in 6 years. Don’t get shocked. Fast forward to 2030, the stakes have skyrocketed, and the verdict is clear: global warming must be capped at 1.5 degrees Celsius, while greenhouse gas…

What Makes Electric Vehicles (EV) Unique?

The electric vehicle (EV) market is witnessing an unprecedented surge across the globe. As concerns about environmental sustainability grow and technology advances, consumers are increasingly turning to EVs as a viable alternative to internal combustion engine vehicles. However, with this…

Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility in EV Branding

The rise of electric vehicles (EVs) is more than just a shift in automotive technology; it encapsulates a movement towards sustainability and corporate responsibility. As EVs continue to surge in popularity, the emphasis on environmental stewardship is becoming an integral…

Gen Z’s Verdict on AI-Driven Branding

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly finding its place in brand strategies across the board. On one hand, avid supporters champion AI as a transformative force that enhances customer experiences and optimises operational efficiency. On the other hand, many others choose…